Saturday, October 16, 2010

Time Stops for No One

Today I am thankful that time stops for no one. I once thought that when someone passed it was just time's way of leaving someone behind. I would resent time for doing that to me and people I care about. Often times I beg it to stop just so I can take a moment to catch my breath. If refuses. Time and erosion go hand in hand. Time will tear down walls that people try so hard to keep up, while the emotions those walls are protecting erodes. Time and erosoin is an unstoppable force. It makes us better people. It breaks us, changes who we are, shakes our core and spits us out to grow, the way only time can and will allow. It magnifies what is important in our life and what we must do to presevere it.

Create a pure heart in me, O God
and renew a steadfast spirit. Psalm 51:10

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