Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jason & Danielle

Today I am thankful for Jason and Danielle. Jason being my brother and Danielle his woman. :-) They one of the best advantages to being me.

Jason and I have always been together with the exception of my moving out at 19 due to an internship Atlanta. When our parents divorced at a young age the two of us were always together, at sitters, visiting family, at home and often times at sleep overs. My friends also had siblings my brothers age so it was nothing for him to go with me. My brother has even been known to accompany me on dates. He is my go to. Usually he knows everything and anything that is going on with me and he knows when I am hiding things as well. I am thankful to have someone in my life that knows me this well. He has the most amazing sense of humor and very often when in his company I laugh so hard that the end result is usually me having to change clothes....ewwwh. I know. He is like a buoy in my life, one that I can tie my boat to and take refuge when I need to. He is a rock in my life that I would gladly lay my life down for.

Danielle is the woman that I will in no doubt end up in jail with at some point in my life. I am certain of this and hopefully we will be smart enough to have been nice enough to someone who will bail us out. She is fiercely loyal to those she loves and would gladly rip out someones throat it anyone threatened them. She makes the mama bear look like a starving puppy at the pound. She is adventure and never says no. She is always up for a challenge and a fight. She reminds me so much of some of my favorite women. She reminds me of my Aunt who passed a few years back. She has filled that hole that my aunt left when she died. She is fire and passion. I love her.

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