Forgiveness is not an emotion but a choice. It is a deliberate act that requires a deliberate effort if it is ever to be successful.
Anger however is an emotion that destroys no one but it's holder. Anger is a waste of energy and makes one weary with exhaustion.
Louis L’Armour wrote, “Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had been before - it takes something from him.”
Anger is one of the most powerful emotions. It is an emotion than can cause us to kill, die, give all we have and to walk away from everything. But where does logic play in and where do we have the ability to control these emotions and make rational decisions.
People often confuse the inability to forgive with anger. I have heard people say “I don’t know if I can forgive her/him/God because I am still so angry. I am angry at the situation I am in, I am angry that I was hurt, I am angry that she left, I am angry at myself for not being more. I just can’t forgive because I am mad.” That is a lot of anger to carry around, it’s a lot of rage that has to be contained.
Someone could commit a horrible crime against you and your family. You can choose to forgive them but still be hurt over the loss.
To forgive someone is to accept the consequences of someone else’s actions. It is to choose to live in peace with the poor decisions someone else has made. This can include being a part of those consequences or removing yourself from it. It all is pending on your feelings and what you are capable of doing. The ultimate goal for happiness is to live in peace. A person is capable to forgive but that does not mean they are capable of being in that situation anymore.
Where does your peace rest? Where did your peace rest? Was it in someone else or in yourself? Putting your happiness and faith in another person will set you up for disappointment every time. People are incapable of being everything all the time. It’s not how we were made.
I love the book Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I have read this book several times. It has been a comfort to me when I was going through a rough patch. She writes, “People make mistakes, it’s who they are, don’t judge another person’s mistakes based on your success, you will fall, abruptly."
It seems so many times we blame our lack of forgiveness on our anger. We fail to realize they are two separate things. There is a process that we must go through if we choose to walk in forgiveness and to let go of anger.
What are the steps to releasing anger? How do you let it go? I find it as a battle against myself, a battle to beat emotions into the submission of my mind. I hate it, it’s the toughest thing to fight. The truth is if someone has wronged you and they ask for forgiveness they have done their part. They will sleep well at night. Their happiness has no bearing on whether or not you let go. Which really just pisses me off.
Releasing anger becomes a race against myself and the sickness that seeks to change me. I must get this purged from my body before it attacks my grace, my well being and faith.
On a side note, anger also gives me terrible headaches. A lady once asked me if I get "resentment headaches”? The answer is yes. When a persons blood pressure goes up, you usually end up with a headache, shoulder problems, neck and back pains.
So how do I beat this emotion into submission? I use the resentment of my emotion to fuel the battle. It’s on!
First, the anger must be purged from my thoughts. It must be removed from my mind. I write and I write and then I write some more until I am exhausted with the thought of the anger and writing. I write letters to the person I am upset with (not to be mailed), I write in my journal, I write in my blog (unpublished of course) I take my writings, fold them up and seal it in an envelope. And it sits on my dresser until I am ready to destroy it.
I have all this space at this point that I must quickly fill. I have to act fast before the anger creeps back in. I run, I work out, I listen to the most positive music I can find, I talk to people who make me laugh, I do something nice for someone unexpectedly, I try and make someone’s day. I visit a friend that I have not seen in a while, I call my Grandmother, I take my brother to dinner, I get a tattoo. (yes, the tattoo is a whole other story but a good one).
It takes time, it may take days or even weeks but I work. I work hard! When I feel that old anger trying to work it’s way back into my life, trying to corrupt who I am I put on my running shoes and run. I beat the pavement. I beat it out of me.
Check out 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.
I chose to forgive, I fight to resolve my anger and I fill my mind and heart with positive affirmations. Anyone can do this. It just takes effort and will power. I chose to throw that envelope away and to let go.
Resentment is a terrible weight to carry and is often accompanied with bitterness. It will destroy and steal from who you are.
Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to
die. ~Malachy McCourt
“Sincere forgiveness isn't colored with expectations that the other person apologize or change. Don't worry whether or not they finally understand you. Love them and release them. Life feeds back truth to people in its own way and time.”
Sara Paddison