A persons perception is their reality regardless of the truth behind that perception. People lie, people distort the truth, people believe what they want, people describe their thoughts through conversations and yet in their minds its the truth. It's the way things really are, at least in their little head.
If a person views another individual as amazing and perfect everything that individual does will be seen as gold regardless of the truth. Case and point some of our most recent elected officials.
If a person perceives an individual as evil, lying and manipulative, no matter what that person may do or say that individual will never be able to do enough to make up for or change the perception others have for them. Only the person with the negative perception can choose to see things different, dare to see things the way others may view them, dare to be open to the possibility that there may be another reality.
Take time to walk in someones shoes today. Step back, see their history, see why they may do what they do and look through their eyes for a minute and see their world, take time to see how they see you. You may not like what you see.